Friday, May 27, 2011

Modern Twists on Traditional Guest Books

Even the best of guest books can become cluttered, messy, and difficult to read. Below, you'll find several ideas that we love to add an unique twist to an old-fashioned tradition!

This innovative guest book personalizes each message, and its colorful envelopes have a fun and youthful appeal. The envelopes also allow guests the opportunity to leave more private and meaningful messages, something they may not be inclined to do if they know another hundred and fifty people will be reading what they wrote.

Wine bottle guest books are one of the latest trends in weddings. Simple, easy and creative, this idea allows your guests to be concise in their messages, taking the pressure off of those who have difficulty putting their thoughts on paper. It can also be be used later as a decorative piece in your home, serving as a constant reminder of your special day. All you need is a large enough wine bottle and colorful sharpie pen (silver tends to work best)!

A Mad Lib guest book is a lighthearted approach that let's your guests show their sense of humor. An easy icebreaker, the personalized Mad Lib is a fun way for your guests to send you their well wishes while making you laugh at the same time. Easy to create, this idea can be created using any simple word processor!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Rich Smith Photography

One of our favorite photographers, Rich Smith, just had a stunning bridal photo shoot at the ruins in Barnsley Gardens. The images are nothing less than spectacular, dovetailing the romanticism of being a bride with the ruins of an antebellum plantation.

Only a short drive from both Chattanooga and Atlanta, Barnsley Gardens is a fantastic golf resort that sits on the site of a former plantation in Adairsville, Georgia. It’s rich history, along with its natural charm, create a perfect destination for a weekend get away or event. For more information, visit their website -

What we love must about Rich Smith’s images are that they capture what a photo is supposed to do – tell a story. He captures a bride who is surrounded by lush greenery as she explores the beautiful remains of a Southern plantation. They are simple yet elegant, and tug at the core of human desires – to love and to explore.

To see more of these phenomenal photos, visit his website,»-bridal.html!